Hi2o For The Future!


Hi20 is not only the future for human water consumption, but also for our one and only planet. The benefits of canned water as opposed to plastic bottles are plentiful. Firstly, aluminum cans do not contain Bisophenol A commonly known as BPA. This is a toxic substance found in plastic products that has been linked to a number of health risks.

BPA has come under scrutiny from plastic bottle manufactures because a direct correlation in-between this chemical and cancer has been demonstrated. Also, for production purposes plastic requires large amounts of petroleum. Which is in high demand worldwide and is also a limited resource, which means its production is costly and also has numerous negative aspects on the environment. Furthermore, the benefits to recycling aluminium are significantly more beneficial to the environment and our society as a whole. Aluminum is 100% percent recyclable, this means that aluminum retains all of its major properties which allows this metal to be reused over and over again.

It is very interesting that 75% of all the aluminum ever produced is still in use today! This clearly demonstrates one of the benefits of recycling aluminum. Another interesting statistic is that only 10% of plastic bottles are recycled worldwide, while over 50% of aluminum cans are recycled. By buying Hi20 canned water, you are not only avoiding harsh chemicals, but you are actively playing an ever more important role in the protection and salvation of our planet.

A recycled aluminum can saves up to 95% in energy use as opposed to a plastic bottle. The process is so quick and efficient that the common aluminum can you recycled will be back on shelves within two months! Lastly, the cost of shipping both new aluminum cans and new plastic bottles, as well as the same materials recycled, is much higher for the plastic bottles. Cans can cost up to 67% percent less than plastic to ship. This is just another reason why Hi20 canned water is the future of drinking water and saving our planet. “Earths Great Taste, Without the Plastic Waste!”

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